AGENCY: Cache County School District (Utah)

SERIES: 10552
TITLE: Payroll registers
DATES: 1929-
ARRANGEMENT: Chronological, thereunder alphabetical by name

DESCRIPTION: This computer report is a complete record of the payment of all district employees. It is printed monthly and sometimes more often for special payments. The district is linked to the Office of Educations' computer system. The report has been computerized since 1970. This report includes the location code, name of employee, marital status, number of exemptions, pay status, phone number, check number, social security number, regular rate, regular hourly rate, other rate, other hours, other earnings, current gross, gross pay, deductions (federal and state taxes, FICA, retirement, insurance), and net pay. In 1991, the report began also to be received on Computer Output Microfiche.


Retain for 53 year(s)




Retention and disposition for this series were specifically approved by the State Records Committee.

APPROVED: 06/1993


Paper: For records beginning in 1929 through 1992. Retain in Office for 3 years after being microfilmed and then destroy provided microfilm has passed inspection.

Microfilm master: For records beginning in 1929 through 1992. Retain in State Records Center for 53 years and then destroy.

Microfilm duplicate: For records beginning in 1929 through 1992. Retain in Office for 53 years and then destroy.

Paper: For records beginning in 1992 and continuing to the present. Retain in Office for 1 year and then destroy.

Computer output microfiche master: Retain in State Records Center for 53 years and then destroy.

Computer output microfiche duplicate: For records beginning in 1991 and continuing to the present. Retain in Office for 53 years and then destroy.



This disposition is based on the administrative needs expressed by the district. The Payroll register is the district's only record of payments to its employees. Since they do not maintain a separate Employee Payroll History, the payroll register is maintained longer than the traditional 7 years. The register is essential for retirement purposes.




Public. UCA 63G-2-301(1)(b)