Board of Education. Office of Education. Internal Accounting

Available Series:PDF Report

1930 - Collection and credits register*
12853 - Deductions and other earnings register*
21752 - Employee reimbursements*
83736 - Expenditure reports*
83739 - Financial report*
83737 - Financial summary by revenue source*
83738 - Financial summary report*
9894 - General accounting records
83742 - Payroll expenditures report
9900 - Payroll records
1949 - Purchase order records
9898 - Purchase requisitions
9897 - Receipts from concession stand vendors*
84008 - Summary by vendor
1296 - Telephone company case file*
21751 - Treasurer's transmittal records
21750 - Vendor payment vouchers

*indicates closed series

Exclude Closed Series from the list